Books & chapters
Gerlach, J., PAV Borges, S Fattorini, N Porch & V Wilkins. 2024 Insect conservation on islands. In: Routledge Handbook of Insect Conservation. Routledge
Gerlach, J. 2021. Essential Biology. Phelsuma Press, Cambridge
Gerlach, J. 2020. Essential Animals. Phelsuma Press, Cambridge
Gerlach, J. 2018. In the footprints of the first naturalist explorers: 250 years of biological exploration in Polynesia. Phelsuma Press, Cambridge
Gerlach, J. 2017. The land and freshwater snails of Tahiti and the other Society islands. Phelsuma Press, Cambridge
Gerlach, J. 2016. Icons of Evolution: Pacific Island tree snails of the family Partulidae. Phelsuma Press, Cambridge
Gerlach, J. 2014. Snailing round the South Seas - the Partula story. Phelsuma Press, Cambridge
Gerlach, J. 2014. Extinct animals of the British Isles. Phelsuma Press, Cambridge
Gerlach, J. (ed.) 2014. Western Indian Ocean tortoises. Siri Scientific Press, Manchester
Gerlach, J. (ed.) 2013. Hemiptera, Hymenoptera and other insect orders of the Seychelles Islands. Siri Scientific Press, Manchester
Gerlach, J. 2012 The Great Survivors - 220 million years of turtle evolution. Phelsuma Preass, Cambridge
Gerlach, J. (ed.) 2011. Crustacea, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Nemertea, Annelida, Rotifera and Tardigrada of the Seychelles Islands. Siri Scientific Press, Manchester
Gerlach, J. & Y Marusik. (eds.) 2010. Arachida and Myriapoda of the Seychelles Islands. Siri Scientific Press, Manchester
Brooks, T.M., RA Mittermeier, GAB da Fonseca, J Gerlach, M Hoffman, JF Lamoreux, CG Mittermeier, JD Pilgrim & ASL Rodrigues. 2010. Global biodiversity conservation priorities: an expanded review. In: Lovett, J.C. & Ockwell, D. (Eds). A Handbook of Environmental Management. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham
Gerlach, J. 2009. Darwin's Inextricable Web. Phelsuma Press, Cambridge
Gerlach, J. (ed.) 2009. Coleoptera of the Seychelles Islands. Pensoft Publishers, Moscow
Gerlach, J. 2009. Seychelles. In: Gillespe, R.G. & Clague, D.A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Islands. University of California Press.
Gerlach, J. 2008. Key Biodiversity Areas of the Seychelles Islands. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden
Gerlach, J. (ed.) 2008. Diptera of the Seychelles Islands. Pensoft Publishers, Moscow
Gerlach, J. & F Haas. 2008. Orthopteroidea of the Seychelles Islands. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden
Gerlach, J. 2008. Seychelles amphibians. In: Stuart, S. et al. (Eds.). Threatened Amphibians of the World. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona
Gerlach, J. 2007. Terrestrial and Freshwater Mollusca of Seychelles. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
Gerlach, J. (ed.) 2007. Terrestrial and Freshwater Vertebrates of Seychelles Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
Gerlach, J. 2006. The Vertebrates of Seychelles - a field guide. Privately published
Gerlach, J. & O Gerlach. 2006. Reef and freshwater fish of Seychelles - a field guide. Privately published
Gerlach, J. & P Matyot. 2006. Lepidoptera of Seychelles. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
Gerlach, G., J Gerlach & R Gerlach. 2006. Silhouette: Nature's Island. NPTS, Seychelles
Gerlach, J. 2005. Interpreting morphological and molecular data on Indian Ocean giant tortoises. In: Huber, B.A. et al. (Eds.) African Biodiversity: Morphology, Molecules and Systematics. Springer, New York.
Thieme, M.L. et al. 2005. Freshwater Ecoregions of Africa and Madagascar. A Conservation Assessment. Island Press, Washington.
Gerlach, J. 2004. Giant Tortoises of the Indian Ocean. Chimiara publishers, Frankfurt.
Mittermeier, R.A., O Langrand, PP Lowry II, G Schatz, J Gerlach, S Goodman, M Steininger, F Hawkins, N Raminosoa, O Ramilijaona, L Andriamaro, H Randrianasolo, H Rabarison & ZL Rakotobe. 2004 Madagascar and the Indian Ocean islands. In: Mittermeier, R.A. et al (Eds.) Hotspots Revisited: Earth's Biologically Richest and most Threatened Terrestrial Ecoregions. CIMEX.
Gerlach, J. 2003. Seychelles frogs. In: Jackson, J. (Ed.) Encyclopaedia of Reptiles and Amphibians. Brown Partworks
Gerlach, J. 1998. Famous Tortoises. Privately published.
Gerlach, J. & R Gerlach. 1998. Silhouette. NPTS, Seychelles.
Gerlach, J. (ed.) 1997. Seychelles Red Data Book - 1997. NPTS, Seychelles.
Gerlach R. & J Gerlach. 1995. The living laboratory. In: Amin M., Willetts D. & Skerrett A. (Eds.) Aldabra - World Heritage Site. Camerapix, Nairobi.
Gerlach, J. 1987 The land snails of Seychelles - a field guide. Privately published.
Book reviews
Gerlach, J. 2004. Island giants. Times Literary Supplement 5298; 32
Gerlach, J. 2006. Conservation, economics and celibacy: a tortoise-eye view. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21; 604-605
Published correspondence
Gerlach, J. 2005. Biodiversity: journals must take a broader view. Nature 438; 156
Brooks, T.M., RA Mittermeier, GAB da Fonseca, J Gerlach, M Hoffmann, JF Lamoreux, CG Mittermeier, JD Pilgrim & ASL Rodrigues. 2006. On purpose in conservation - George M. Woodwell; Response. Science 314; 51
Harvey et al. 2020. International scientists formulate a roadmap for insect conservation and recovery. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4: 174-176
Kehoe, L. et al. 2019. Make EU trade with Brazil sustainable. Science 364(6438): 341
Reviewed papers
Gerlach, J. 2024. Imperturbatia griffithsi n.sp. and new records for Careoradula perelegans (E. von Martens, 1898) in Seychelles (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Streptaxidae). Journal of Conchology 45(2): 234-238
Messenger, M., M Greaves, MV Barclay & J Gerlach. 2024. Charles Darwin's early beetle collections: 'Darwin's Beetle Box' and the Down House Box. Journal of Natural History
Gerlach, J., P Pearce-Kelly, C Brocherieux, J Elliott & K Garcia. 2023. Partula tree snail conservation back on track. Oryx 57(6): 696
Miller, G., M Messenger, A Zora & J Gerlach. 2023. How and why giant tortoises hunt birds and other animals. Testudo 9(5): 1-10
Gerlach, J., O Griffiths & J Slapcinsky. 2022. Non-marine mollusks of the northern Narinda karst, north-western Madagascar. Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History 60(1): 1-55
Zora, A. & J Gerlach. 2021. Giant tortoises hunt and consume birds. Current Biology 13(16): PR989-990
Gerlach, J., GM Barker, CS Bick. et al. 2020. Negative impacts of invasive predators used as biological control agents against the pest snail Lissachatina fulica: the snail Euglandina 'rosea' and the flatworm Platydemus manokwari. Biological Invasions
Harvey, J.A et al. 2020. International scientists formulate a roadmap for insect conservation and recovery. Nature Ecology Evolution 4: 174-176
Hochkirch, A., MJ Samways, J Gerlach et al. 2020. A strategy for the next decade to address data deficiency in neglected biodiversity. Conservation Biology
Gerlach, J. 2019. Predation by invasive Platydemus manokwari flatworms: a laboratory study. Biological Letters 54(1): 47-60
Pawlowski, S. & J Gerlach. 2018. Remarks on the first breeding success of free living Arnold's giant tortoises Aldabrachelys gigantea arnoldi (Bour, 1982) at Grand Barbe, Silhouette, Seychelles. Phelsuma 26: 1-9
Justine, J.L., T Lemarcis, J Gerlach & L Winsor. 2018. First report of the land planarian Endeavouria septemlineata (Hyman, 1939) (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Continenticola, Geoplanidae) in French Polynesia. Zootaxa 4450(2)
Gerlach, J. 2017. Redescription of Pachnodus (Nesiocerastus) curiosus Gerlach, 2003 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Cerastuidae). Phelsuma 25: 4-5
Gerlach, J., MJ Samways, A Hochkirch, M Seddon, P Cardoso, V Clausnitzer, N Cumberlidge, BA Daniel, SH Black, J Ott & PH Williams, P.H. 2014. Prioritizing non-marine invertebrate taxa for Red Listing. Jounal of Insect Conservation DOI: 10.1007/s10841-014-9660-6
Gerlach, J., G Rocamora, J Gane, K Joliffe & L Vanherck. 2013 Giant tortoise distribution and abundance in the Seychelles islands: past, present and future. Chelonian Conservation & Biology 12: 70-83.
Gerlach, J., M Samways & J Pryke. 2013 Terrestrial invertebrates as bioindicators: an overview of available taxonomic groups. Journal of Insect Conservation
Gerlach, J., SH Black, A Hochkirch, S Jepsen, M Seddon, S Spector & P Williams. 2012. Terrestrial invertebrate life. In: Collen, B., Bohm, M., Kemp. R. & Baille, J.E.M. (eds.) Spineless: status and trends of the world's invertebrates. Zoological Society of London
Goodman, S.M., SJ Puechmaille, N Friedli-Weyeneth, J Gerlach, M Ruedi, MC Schoeman, WT Stanley & EC Teeling. 2012. Phylogeny of the Emballonurini (Emballonuridae) with descriptions of a new genus and species from Madagascar. Journal of Mammalogy 93(6): 1440-1455.
Gerlach, J. 2012. Skeletal ontogeny of Seychelles giant tortoises (Aldabrachelys/Dipsochelys). Scientific Research and Essays 7(9): 1083-1099.
Gerlach, J. 2012. Red Listing reveals the true state of biodiversity - a comprehensive assessment of Seychelles biodiversity. Phelsuma 20: 8-22
Gerlach, J. 2012. Changes in non-marine mollusc populations in the Seychelles islands 1986-2012. Phelsuma 20: 23-38
Gerlach, J. 2011. Conservation of the Seychelles sheath-tailed bat Coleura seychellensis. Phelsuma 19: 54-68
Gerlach, J. 2011. Development of distinct morphotypes in captive Seychelles-Aldabra giant tortoises. Chelonian Conservation & Biology 10: 102-112.
Gerlach, J. 2011. Attempts to establish a new population of the threatened plant Impatiens gordonii on Silhouette island, Seychelles. Conservation Evidence 8: 87-92
Gerlach, J. 2011. Attempting to balance development and conservation of Silhouette island, Seychelles. Phelsuma 19: 79-114 (and part 2)
Gerlach, J. 2011. Flowering Ecology of the Species of the Genus Hypoxidia (Hypoxidaceae: Asparagales). Journal of Botany
Gerlach, J. 2011. The end of 16 years of tortoise and terrapin conservation on Silhouette island, Seychelles. Testudo 7: 60-76
Gerlach, J. 2011. The potential effects of climate change on the status of Seychelles frogs (Anura: Sooglossidae). Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(11): 2153-2166
Gerlach, J. 2011. Aldabrachelys hololissa (Gunther, 1877) - Seychelles Giant Tortoise. Chelonian Research Monographs 5: 061.1-061.5
Gerlach, J. & R Gerlach. 2011. Translocation of giant tortoises in the Seychelles Islands. Pp. 98-101 In: Soorae, P.S. (ed.) (2011). Global Re-introduction Perspectives: 2011. More case studies from around the globe. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group and Abu Dhabi, UAE: Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi. xiv + 250 pp.
Gerlach, J. & R Gerlach. 2011. Re-introduction and supplementation of terrapins on Silhouette Island, Seychelles. Pp 102-105 In: Soorae, P.S. (ed.) (2011). Global Re-introduction Perspectives: 2011. More case studies from around the globe. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group and Abu Dhabi, UAE: Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi. xiv + 250 pp.
Marusik, Yu. & J Gerlach. 2011. First description of the male of Sason sechellanum Simon, 1898 (Araneae: Barychelidae). Zootaxa 2833: 65-68
Gerlach, J. 2010. Climate change, extinction and ecosystem collapse. Phelsuma 17A
Silva, A., S. Rocha, J. Gerlach, G. Rocamora, A. Dufrenne & D.J. Harris. 2010. Assessment of mtDNA genetic diversity within the terrapins Pelusios subniger and Pelusios castanoides across the Seychelles islands. Amphibia-Reptilia 31: 583-588
Suvi, T., L. Tedersoo, K. Abarenkov, K. Beaver, J. Gerlach & U. Koljag. 2010. Mycorrhizal symbionts of Pisonia grandis and P. sechellarum in Seychelles: identification of mycorrhizal fungi and description of new Tomentella species. Mycologia 102: 522-533
Gerlach, J. 2009. Redescription of the skull of Dipsochelys abrupta. Chelonian Conservation & Biology 7: 251-254
Gerlach, J. 2009. Ontogeny of the cheek-spined goby Asterropteryx semipunctata(Pisces, Gobiidae). Phelsuma 17: 9-11
Gerlach, J. 2009. New animal species from Aldabra atoll. Phelsuma 17: 12-16
Gerlach, J. 2009. Aldabrachelys arnoldi (Bour 1983) - Arnold's Giant Tortoise. Chelonian Research Monographs 5.
Barnes, R.S.K., DJ Smith, DKA Barnes & J Gerlach. 2009. Variation in the distribution of supralittoral vegetation around an atoll cay: Desroches (Amirante Islands, Seychelles). Atoll Research Bulletin 565
Legrand, D., M Tenaillon, P Matyot, J Gerlach, D Lachaise & M-L Cariou. 2009 Species-wide genetic variation and demographic history of Drosophila sechellia, a species lacking population structure. Genetics 182: 1197-1206
Senterre, B., J Gerlach, J Mougal & D Matatiken. 2009 Old growth mature forest types and their floristic composition along the altitudinal gradient on Silhouette Island (Seychelles) - the telescoping effect on a continental mid-oceanic island. Phytophylactica 39: 157-174
Gerlach, J. 2008. Pelusios castanoides intergularis Bour 1983; Seychelles Yellow-Bellied Mud Turtle, Seychelles Chestnut-Bellied Terrapin. Chelonian Research Monographs 5.
Gerlach, J. 2008. Pelusios subniger parietalis Bour 1983; Seychelles Black Mud Turtle. Chelonian Research Monographs 5.
Gerlach, J. 2008. Preliminary conservation status and needs of an oceanic island fauna: the case of Seychelles insects. Journal of Insect Conservation. 12: 293-305
Gerlach, J. 2008. Fragmentation and demography as causes of population decline in Seychelles terrapins. Chelonian Conservation & Biology 7; 78-88
Gerlach, J. 2008. Climate change and identification of terrestrial protected areas in the Seychelles Islands. Biodiversity 9; 24-29
Gerlach, J. 2008. Status and conservation of the Seychelles sheath-tailed bat Coleura seychellensis on Silhouette island, Seychelles. Endangered Species Research.
Gerlach, J. 2008. Setting conservation priorities - a Key Biodiversity Areas analysis for the Seychelles islands.Open Conservation Journal 2; 44-53
Gerlach, J. 2008 Population and conservation status of the reptiles of the Seychelles islands. Phelsuma 16: 31-48
Gerlach, J. 2007. Tortues geantes de l'Ocean Indien. Cheloniens 6; 22-27
Gerlach, J. 2007. Short-term climate change and the extinction of the snail Rhachistia aldabrae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata). Biology Letters 3(5): 581-584 [highlighted in Nature Reports Climate Change doi:10.1038/climate.2007.43]
Gerlach, J. 2007. Distribution and status of the Seychelles frogs (Amphibia: Anura: Sooglossidae). Herpetological Journal 17; 115-122
Gerlach, J. 2007. Breeding and reintroduction of Seychelles giant tortoises. Testudo 6
Gerlach, J. 2007. Vocalisations of the Seychelles sheath-tailed bat Coleura seychellensis. Le Rhinolophe 18
Gerlach, J. 2007. Social behaviour of the Seychelles sheath-tailed bat Coleura seychellensis. Le Rhinolophe 18
Cariou, M.-L., D Lachaise, J Gerlach, P Matyot, C Montchamp, D Legrand & SF McEvey. 2007. Drosophilidae of Seychelles: biogeography, ecology and conservation status. Phelsuma 16: 19-30
Gerlach, J. & R Gerlach. 2007. A new species of Asterropteryx cheek-spined goby (Pices, Gobiidae) from the Seychelles islands. Phelsuma 16: 57-63
Meijden, A. van der, R Boistel, J Gerlach, A Ohler, M Vences & A Meyer. 2007 Molecular phylogenetic evidence for paraphyly of the genus Sooglossus, with the description of a new genus of Seychellean frogs. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 91; 347-359
Gerlach, J. 2006. Cyclophoridae and Pomatiopsidae (Mollusca: Prosobranchia) of the Seychelles islands. Journal of Conchology 39; 99-104
Gerlach, J., C Muir & D Richmond. 2006 The first substantiated case of trans-oceanic tortoise dispersal. Journal of Natural History 40: 41-43
Gerlach J & M Taylor. 2006. Habitat as a critical factor in the decline of the Seychelles Sheath-Tailed Bat Coleura seychellensis. Acta Chiroptologica 8; 129-139
Gerlach, J. 2005. Inter-island variation and taxonomy of Seychelles Trachylepis. Journal of African Herpetology 54; 31-42
Gerlach, J. 2005. The complex nasal structure of Dipsochelys and its identification as a true Jacobson's Organ. Herpetological Journal 15; 15-20
Gerlach, J. 2005. Thermoregulation in captive Indian Ocean giant tortoises. Chelonian Conservation & Biology 4; 937-941
Gerlach, J. 2005. Captive Seychelles-Aldabra giant tortoises: reproduction, growth and dietary distortion. In: Proceedings International Tortoise & Turtle Symposium, Vienna
Gerlach, J. 2005. The impact of rodent eradication on the larger invertebrates of Fregate island, Seychelles. Phelsuma 13
Gerlach, J. 2005. Preparing for the reintroduction of Seychelles giant tortoises. Testudo 6; 56-64
Gerlach, J., J Lawrence & L Canning. Exceptional behaviour in a giant millipede. Phelsuma 13
Karanth, K.P., E Palkovacs, J Gerlach, S Glaberman, J Pender Hume, A Caccone & AD Yoder. Native Seychelles tortoises of Aldabran imports? The importance of radiocarbon dating for ancient DNA studies. Amphibia-Reptilia 26; 116-121
Brooks, T.M., RA Mittermeier, GA da Fonseca, G.A.B. da, Gerlach, J., Hoffmann, M., Lamoreux, J.F., Mittermeier, C.G., Pilgrim, J.D. & Rodrigues, A.S.L. 2006. Global biodiversity conservation priorities. Science 313; 59-61
Gerlach, J. 2004. Effects of diet on the systematic utility of the tortoise carapace. African Journal of Herpetology 53(1): 77-85.
Gerlach, J. 2004. The Enigmatic Giant Bronze Gecko Ailuronyx trachygaster. Part 2: Ecology. Gekko 3; 8-14
Gerlach, J. 2004. The impact of crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) invasion on Bird Island, Seychelles. Journal of Insect Conservation 8; 15-25
Gerlach, J. 2004. A 10 year study of changes in forest vegetation on Silhouette island, Seychelles. Journal of Nature Conservation 12(3); 149-155
Gerlach, J. 2004. The bats of Silhouette island. Phelsuma 12
Gerlach, J. 2003. Day gecko and tortoise interactions on Aldabra atoll. Gekko 3; 19-20
Gerlach, J. 2003. Pollination in the coco-de-mer, Lodoicea maldivica. Palms 47: 135-138
Gerlach, J. 2003. New terrestrial gastropoda of the Seychelles islands. Phelsuma 11; 39-51
Gerlach, J. 2003. Patterns of diversity on tropical islands. Biota 4; 21-48
Gerlach, J. 2003. Five years of conserving Seychelles Chelonia. Testudo 5; 30-41
Gerlach, J. 2003. The biodiversity of the granitic islands of Seychelles. Phelsuma 11B: 1-47
Gerlach, J. & R Bour. 2003. Morphology of hatchling giant tortoises. Radiata 12; 11-12
Palkovacs, E.P., M Marschner, C Ciofi, J Gerlach & A Caccone. 2003. Are the native giant tortoises from the Seychelles really extinct? A genetic perspective based on mtDNA and microsatellite data. Molecular Ecology 12; 1403-1413
Gerlach, J. 2002. A new species of Piper (Piperaceae). Blumea 47; 403-408
Gerlach, J. 2002. Habitat use by a population of the Seychelles kestrel (Falco araea). Phelsuma 10: 6-16
Gerlach, J. 2002. First results of radio-tracking black mud turtles Pelsuios subniger parietalis. Phelsuma 10: 58-60
Gerlach, J. 2002. Seychelles Terrapin Action Plan. Phelsuma 10B: 1-16
Gerlach, J. 2002. The palm spider as an unexpected gecko predator. Gekko 3; 19-21
Gerlach, J. 2002. The enigmatic giant bronze gecko Ailuronyx trachygaster. Part 1: Identity Gekko 3; 39-42
Gerlach, J. & O Griffiths. 2002. The land snails of the Aldabra islands, western Indian Ocean. Journal of Conchology 37; 667-679
Gerlach, J. & A Skerrett. 2002. The distribution, ecology and status of the yellow bittern Ixobrychus sinensis in Seychelles. Journal of African Ecology 40; 194-196
Gerlach, J. & J Willi. 2002. A new species of Sooglossus frog (Sooglossidae). Amphibia-Reptilia 23(4); 445-498
Palkovacs, E.P., J Gerlach & A Caccone. 2002.The evolutionary origin of Indian Ocean tortoises (Dipsochelys). Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution 24; 216-227
Gerlach, J. 2001. On a new species of Nesokaliella and further comments on the affinities of the genus (Gastropoda: Limacoidea). Journal of Conchology 37; 205212
Gerlach, J. 2001. Conturbatia, a new genus of Streptaxidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata). Mitteilungen aus dem Museum fur Naturkunde in Berlin, Zoologische Reihe 77; 297-302
Gerlach, J. 2001. Predator, prey and pathogen interactions in introduced snail populations. Animal Conservation 4; 203-209
Gerlach, J. 2001. The 'Geochelone' problem in tortoise taxonomy. Phelsuma 9A: 1-32
Gerlach, J. 2001. Edentulina moreleti, the first herbivorous streptaxid (Gastropoda). Phelsuma 9: 75
Gerlach, J. 2001. Population dynamics of insular vertebrates, examples for the Seychelles islands. Biota. 2; 125-135
Gerlach, J. & KL Canning. 2001. Range contractions in the Critically Endangered Seychelles terrapins (Pelusios spp.). Oryx 35; 313-320
Gerlach, J. & S Le Maitre. 2001. Sex ratio variation in small island populations of an endangered bird, the Seychelles Magpie Robin, Copsychus sechellarum. Ostrich 72; 114-117
Bowler, J., I Bullock, J Cadbury, J Gerlach & J Hunter. 2000. Conservation status and management of Wright's gardenia Rothmannia annae. Phelsuma 8: 23-28
Gerlach, J. 2000 Trilepisium in Seychelles (Moraceae). Phelsuma 8: 50-54
Gerlach, J. 2000. The rediscovery of the Seychelles hummingbird hawkmoth Macroglossum alluaudi Joannis, 1893 (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Phelsuma 8: 79-80
Gerlach, J. & Florens, V. 2000. Toxicity of 'specific' rodenticides and the risk to non-target taxa. Phelsuma 8: 75-77
Gerlach, J. 1999. Distinctive giant tortoise neural bones - structural and taxonomic characters. Journal of Morpholology 240; 33-38
Gerlach, J. 1999. Snails of the genus Pachnodus (Mollusca; Gastropoda; Enidae): their origins and evolution. Journal of Biogeography 26; 251-255
Gerlach, J. 1999. Notes on Seychelles reptiles. British Herpetolgical Bulletin 67; 53-60
Gerlach, J. 1999. Ecology of Indian Ocean carnivorous snails. Phelsuma 7: 14-24
Gerlach, J. 1999. Feeding behaviour and the saddle-back shell of Dipsochelys arnoldi. Chelonian Conservation & Biology 3; 496-500
Gerlach, J. & AC van Bruggen. 1999. The Streptaxidae (Mollusca; Pulmonata; Gastropoda) of the Seychelles islands, western Indian Ocean. Zoologische Verhandelingen, Leiden 328; 1-60
Gerlach, J. 1998. A study of habitat structure and vegetation in Seychelles. Phelsuma 6: 68-68
Gerlach, J. 1998. The shell-less slugs of Seychelles (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Veronicellidae and Urocyclidae). Argonauta 11; 56-64.
Gerlach, J. 1998. The behaviour and captive maintenance of the terrestrial nemertine (Geonemertes pelaensis). Journal of Zoology, London 246; 233-237
Gerlach, J. 1998. A new genus of Zonitoidea previously referred to the genus Kaliella. Journal of Conchology 36; 17-22
Gerlach, J. 1998. A new species of Punctidae (Mollusca; Gastropoda). Journal of Conchology. 36; 23-26
Gerlach, J. & AC van Bruggen. 1998. A first record of a terrestrial mollusc without a radula. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 64; 249-250
Gerlach, J. & KL Canning. 1998. Taxonomy of Indian Ocean Giant Tortoises (Dipsochelys). Chelonian Conservation & Biology. 3; 3-19 & Identification of Seychelles Giant Tortoises. Chelonian Conservation & Biology 3; 133-135
Gerlach, J. 1997. Man and Chelonia in the Seychelles islands. Testudo 5; 25-40
Gerlach, J. 1997. Silhouette species list. Phelsuma 5A; 1-64
Gerlach, J., P Daszak & C Jones. 1997. The biogeography of the giant tenebrionid beetle Pulposipes herculeanus. Phelsuma 5: 43-48
Gerlach, J., P Matyot & M Saaristo. 1997 Ecology and conservation of Silhouette. Phelsuma 5: 27-42
Gerlach, R. & J Gerlach. 1997. Colonisation of the Seychelles granitic islands by three bird species. Phelsuma 5: 63-67
Gerlach, J. 1996. The effects of habitat domination by invasive Melastomataceae. Phelsuma 4: 19-26
Gerlach, J. 1996. Patterns of hybridization and extinction in a tropical land snail. Phelsuma 4: 27-42
Gerlach, J. 1996. Native or introduced plant species? Phelsuma 4: 70-73
Gerlach, J. 1996. Rainfall patterns - an overlooked ecological influence. Phelsuma 4: 75-80
Gerlach J. & KL Canning. 1996. A new species of the western Indian Ocean gecko Ailuronyx (Reptilia; Gekkonidae). Herpetological Journal 6(2); 27-42
Gerlach J. & KL Canning. 1996. On the Seychelles Giant Tortoise; its rediscovery and prospects for conservation. Proceedings of the International Congress of Chelonian Conservation. pp131-135
Gerlach J. & KL Canning. 1996. The rediscovery of Pelusios seychellensis. Phelsuma 4: 68-69
Gerlach J. & KL Canning. 1996. Evolution and history of the giant tortoises of the Aldabra island group. Testudo 4(3); 33-40
Gerlach, J. 1995. The taxonomy and affinities of the genus Priodiscus (Mollusca; Gastropoda; Streptaxidae). Journal of Conchology 35: 357-368
Gerlach, J. 1995. Tropical leaf litter inhabiting invertebrates, patterns of abundance and sampling methods. Phelsuma 3: 23-30
Gerlach, J. 1994. New species of Pachnodus (Gastropoda, Enidae) from Seychelles. Journal of Conchology 35(2); 167-177
Gerlach, J. 1994. The management and conservation of the La Passe Marsh, Silhouette. Phelsuma 2: 16-21
Gerlach, J. 1994. Patterns of species diversity among the Seychelles islands. Phelsuma 2: 48-53
Gerlach J. & Canning K.L. 1994. On the crocodiles of the western Indian Ocean. Phelsuma 2: 54-58
Gerlach J. & Gerlach R. 1994. Prey abundance and migrant shorebird distribution. Phelsuma 2: 12-14
Gerlach, J. 1993. The conservation of Silhouette island, Seychelles. I. Plants. Phelsuma 1: 18-29.
Gerlach, J. 1993. The conservation of Silhouette island, Seychelles. II. Animals. Phelsuma 1: 30-38.
Gerlach, J. 1992. Invasive Melastomataceae in Seychelles. Oryx 27(1); 22-26.
Brown D.S. & J Gerlach. 1991. On Paludomus and Cleopatra (Thiariidae) in Africa and the Seychelles islands. Journal of Molluscan Studies 57; 471-9.
Gerlach, J. 1990. Pachnodus ornatus and closely related species of Enidae of Seychelles. Revue de Zoologie africaine 104(2); 141-149
Published Red List assessments
413 assessments - see IUCN Red List